Friday, June 15, 2012

Days 20-72

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray"...*

My big plans for this blog fell by the wayside it seems. I am enjoying staying at home immensely. I am not, however, enjoying the fact that my children DO NOT SLEEP.

It is fortunate that I am home because I cannot imagine for a second being able to cope with a full-time outside-of-the-home job with the amount of sleep that I am getting right now. I'm getting by so far by napping when the kids nap. Hopefully we turn a corner on this sleep situation soon.

Let's see...what have we been doing?

Library (almost) every Tuesday
Swimming pool (once)
Grocery shopping
Playing with our neighbor kids
Kids' swimming pool in the yard
Watched movies and TV (perhaps a little too much)
Legos, Legos and MORE LEGOS
Going on walks
Swinging on the rope swing
Grilling out
Eating outside 

I find that doing these blog posts in the evening might work better. Mornings are too much of a hit-and-miss, depending on how much sleep I get. So from now on, instead of setting goals for today I'm going to set them for tomorrow.

Please comment and tell me how awesome I am so that I'm motivated to continue with this blog.  :)


Goals for Tomorrow:

start a load of laundry
make a big breakfast (good fuel for a busy day)
Mama bath
pick up K's meds
family picnic at Whitewater State Park
fold (at least some of the) clean laundry that is piled up
put away (at least some of the) folded laundry
play outside with kids for at least 15 minutes
have a campfire if the weather permits
drink a beer  :)

Goals For the Weekend:

take at least one good nap
stay patient with The Littles even if I'm tired
make at least one 'good' dinner
do a meal plan for next week
portion out medications for the week so that I remember to take them
water/weed at least part of the garden

*Yes, I know this is a misquote but it sounded better than the original. :P 

1 comment:

  1. You are totally awesome to continue with this blog!! Keep it up!! Hope your babes sleep through the night soon!
