Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 1

I did it. I quit my job.

For 17 years, I've been a working mom. I've gotten kids up and dressed and ready for daycare (or school) and gone to work. Four times I've had first days back after maternity leave, driving to work while crying so hard I could barely see. People said it gets easier but for me it really never did. husband and I talked. And talked. And talked some more.

For whatever reason, circumstances this time around were different. I don't know if the stars aligned just right or what but we realized that we just might be able to work it out so that I could stay home.

So we talked. And talked. AND TALKED.

We worked out a budget. We factored in expenses and removed those that would result from my job. Subtracted daycare costs for two small children, travel expenses and various other things. We removed some luxuries and added meal planning and a little belt-tightening.

We realized we could do it.

18 days ago I put in my notice and yesterday was my last day at my job.


I will see my baby girl's firsts as they happen instead of hearing about them when I pick her up at the end of the day. I get to watch my small son grow. I'll be home to enjoy the summer with my older two girls for the first time in their lives.

Today is the first day at my new job. Today I became a stay-at-home-mama.

(I like LOVE the sound of that.)


Goals for today:

Get up with everyone else
Give Harper a bath
Get kids off to school and daycare
Eat a good breakfast
Start a new blog
Clean kitchen
Start a load of laundry
Fold a load of laundry
Take a nap
Read some of my book
Eat a good lunch
Take another nap

In the interest of full disclosure, I have to let you know that I'm actually home alone today (so technically I started the 'stay-at-home' part but the kiddos are at daycare. I'm allowing myself a MUCH needed day of relative relaxation. The kids' last day at daycare is April 13th. I'm taking some time to really get the house in order so that we can start off on a good footing. I'm also working out a plan so that I don't sit on the computer all day. I've already completed some of my goals for the day and even myself a good breakfast...see?


  1. So excited to follow you on this new journey. You're off to a fantastic start ... I will sit here at my desk at work and eagerly await more updates!

  2. Thanks Steph. Love you and am so grateful for your support.

  3. Welcome to the club! Your goals are loftier than mine- I still haven't had breakfast and one is still in his pajamas. At least he's "napping" so it's kind of OK.

  4. Congrats Jo! Excited to read all about your new job. =) I don't know if I could manage not sitting around watching TV all day, at least not the first few days.

    PS I tried to post in Chrome and it didn't work =/

  5. Glad that you get to do something exciting like this!
